How to Become a Freelance Photographer
Edward Tomasso is a world traveler turned adventure photographer. Now, he works professionally as a Freelance Photographer, filling his portfolio with photos of worldwide wonders. If you’re interested in doing the same, here is Tomasso’s advice on how you can become a Freelance Photographer!
So, you want to be a Freelance Photographer. Every time you tell someone this, they probably say “oh… that’s nice.” The insincerity hits you like a ton of bricks. They don’t believe in your dream and you can feel it. Well, here’s a message to lift your spirits: you can become a Freelance Photographer. But, it’s going to require a little free work.Step 1: Build a Portfolio

Edward Tomasso picked up photography as a way to document his international travels. This effort inadvertently introduced him to his life’s passion: adventure photography. Tomasso’s initial portfolio was comprised of photos that he had taken on his own time. He recommends this to any photographer starting out.
Step 2: Pay Your Dues
In many creative industries, you often have to complete work for free before you find paying gigs. Although Edward Tomasso cautions you from completing too many free gigs, he recommends these opportunities as a way to hone your craft. Additionally, taking on free gigs can help you to get a taste for the industry before you completely dive in. In particular, you should keep an eye out for internships and volunteer opportunities, so you can contribute to a cause that truly needs your help!

Edward Tomasso is a creative member of The Bartering Exchange Network, a platform that allows professionals and creatives to barter their skills and services. This gives individuals an opportunity to network and meet future clients. Tomasso currently offers free photography workshops on BEN. This opportunity has not only helped him to build his portfolio, but it has also helped him in securing future freelance gigs. If you have the opportunity to join a similar network, Tomasso highly encourages you to do so!
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